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This product uses the PC industry is mature 2.4G digital wireless technology, support forautomatic code, plug-and-play functionality, installation, setting are relatively simple.Usehigh end Synic chip solutions

It is today's most advanced stability of the best chips, and some high-end products ofinternational brands in general have adopted this program, the first-tier international brands such as Sony, Kenwood and Panasonic, the largest feature of its chips is thatperformance is stable and robust stereo high-fidelity sound quality can be comparablewith the CD.

 With it, you can easily own speakers and headphones to play caused by the "wireless"devices, these devices plug in the wireless wings. Sending and receiving of all-digitalstereo audio signal, 2.4G digital wireless technology, allows you to get rid of all harnessthe wound, to bring you unrivaled high-quality music experience.

3 200,00 руб
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